Harry Styles Live on Tour: Tower Theater

Happy Monday Everyone!

Yes, that’s right, a totally new posting schedule is underway this month of October! I plan on posting not once, but TWICE, a week now! And for those interested, that’ll be on Mondays and Thursdays (:

But that isn’t the point of this post, so let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Harry. Styles.

I was fortunate enough to be able to see him perform at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby, PA this past Thursday. It was an intimate venue (in comparison to the arenas and stadiums One Direction has played) that held about 3,000 lucky fans.

Most of the theater was listed as general admission, so I knew we had to get there early. Needless to say, ‘early’ still wasn’t early enough. My mom and I arrived to the theater around 1:30-2ish and girls had been lined up since 8am. Really I have zero complaints because we were still within the first few hundred to get there, but not going to lie.. I totally had a moment of panic driving my the theater and seeing a line wrapped entirely around the building.

So then started our five hour wait. They didn’t let you into the theater until 7pm (the opening act started at 8), and honestly that was still plenty of time. I feel like they had this entire event running like a smooth oiled machine. They let you shop the merch mega early and had wrist bands and stamps distributed well before the doors even officially opened. That way, everyone could easily go through security and be on their way to stand their ground on the floor.

Of course there are always going to be the pushy people who squeeze their way right in front of you, but really there was nothing that could ruin my mood for the night. I’m literally maybe 30 feet from where H will be standing, it doesn’t get much better than that.

The opening act started super promptly at 8, and it was such a treat. The band that opened for H was MUNA, and I loved every minute they were on stage. I believe they mentioned being a smaller LA band, and truly the vibe and sound that they brought to the night was amazing. Their sound is indie and really up my street, plus the energy of the crowd really help feed their performance and I could tell they were enjoying themselves just as much as all of us (which was totally awesome, btw)!

The best part about the opening (minus the lead singer’s AH-MAZING hair cut), was that I actually had heard a song by them and never even knew it. As soon as they started to play it I had a total realization and I think that helped me connect even more with the music.

They played for about a half and hour and within the next 35-ish minutes, H was on stage in front of us. In the flesh. I can’t believe I’m typing that. Like, I saw the concert and I sometimes still have moments where I can’t believe I was blessed enough to have been there.


But of course before he graced us all with his presence, they let down the infamous sheet and the anticipation I felt knowing I would be seeing H’s silhouette behind it in T-minus like 30 minutes was a little intense. I feel like I really loved and appreciated the little details he put into this tour from the pink/flowery sheet to every single piece of merch. I felt like he really got to have a say in what he wanted, and as a long time fan, I couldn’t have been happier or prouder.


**Also, speaking of merch, it might even top Kanye. He brought out a pink sweatshirt with super simple embroidery and his entire slogan for the merch, as well as the tour, is to ‘Treat People with Kindness’. That’s a message we all need to hear more often. And it for some reason resonates with me when I hear famous people who literally have the world at their finger tips saying stuff like that. It’s a reminder that no one is ever too big, and a humbling one at that**

So anyways, fast forward to show time. The final song plays and the theater is completely quiet because everyone is internally thinking “oh shiz, it’s about to happen, the guitar is going to strum and in front of my eyes will be a perfectly silhouetted ex-boyband member” and then all of a sudden dreams become reality and the next few seconds happen in a whirlwind.

He begins the show with ‘Ever Since New York’ and I think that is a pretty solid choice. In fact for all of those interested, the set list for our night and a comprehensive list of my thoughts are all listed below:

1. Ever Since New York

A solid start (as mentioned above). You see him for the first time, get to take in his outfit for the night, and behold him holding (and playing) a guitar all at a leisurely (but still somehow chaotic) pace. It’s the perfect song to ease into the night and let the moment really sink in.

2. Two Ghosts
3. Carolina

You all know this is a bop. I don’t even really have much to say other than I loved it.

4. Stockholm Syndrome
5. Sweet Creature

The purple lighting that surrounded him on one of my favorite songs of the album was so fitting. It was serene and beautiful and I could only focus on how smooth and majestic the chorus sounded every time it came around. I could bask in that moment for the rest of my life.

6. Only Angel

Ugh, this really brought the energy back up again. It was so fun and seeing H run around on stage in his element was so fulfilling.

7. Woman

The ultimate empowerment you feel when he belts “WOMAN.” and the entire crowd echoes back ‘La la la la la la’ is the epitome of Girl Power. Or maybe that’s just the vibe I was picking up?

8. Meet Me in the Hallway

I LIVE for this song as well. The hazy/lazy ‘Gimme some mooooooorphine/moooore’ are some of my favorite lines to listen to. I could sway to that rhythm any time, any place.

9. Just A Little Bit of Your Heart
10. What Makes You Beautiful

VERY mixed emotions about this one. I love What Makes You Beautiful and I love H. But I don’t love the twist he’s spun on it. Honestly, there isn’t a One Direction song that I want to hear any of them sing alone. In other words, when’s the reunion happening again? (:

11. Kiwi (x2)

Can I just take a moment for this one. We got it not once, but TWICE. For those of you that do not know, this is my favorite song from the entire album, maybe even my favorite song, like, ever, and truly this is the moment I waited all night for.. to see him be a total rockstar and lay it all out on the stage to this song, and he did.

In a lot of ways, he was a total ham during this number. He knows so well how to work a crowd and exactly what to do to please them. He danced, got on his knees, and gave the infamous Kiwi stance and I LIVED for every. single. second. And hearing the note changes in the second verse was everything I dreamed of and more. Just entirely unforgettable.

1. From the Dining Table
2. Break the Chain
3. Sign of the Times

This was a cool one. The entire floor broke out little Pride flags and waved them the entire song. And when H noticed, he literally said, “wow” out loud. It was a really cool reminder of just how powerful the fandom can be. And of course it was just a bonus jonas to jam out one last time to a song that gets me through everything from exam weeks to ab workouts.


At the end of the day, it was a night to remember. The connection the crowd had with him was genuine and super energetic and I think that that made the experience just that much better.

Not only was the music incredible (that boy can SING) but so was the message he tries every day to spread. Kindness. Acceptance. Love. Hug a stranger and listen.

He thanked us multiple times throughout the night and although I know he does this for every venue, I also know that he means it, and doesn’t take the gift he’s been given for granted.

And to wrap it all up, he said ‘I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful group of friends’, which of course got me right in the heart strings and still does as I remember and type this all out.

Gist of the story, I have so many thoughts and things that I want to say, but it’s all just too unorganized to get into one blog post. But if any of this has made sense, resonated, or peaked your interest, please I really do encourage you to take a listen to his album and if given the chance to go see him live. He’s such a presence and I am proud that I’ve been able to call him my role model for the past 7-8 years.

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Also, any pictures/videos included in this post are most likely NOT mine. I tried not to have my phone out barely at all and just enjoy the time that I got to be there, so of course I’ll note that but just wanted to let y’all know as well more explicitly. I hope you enjoyed this story time post and let me know what y’all think! Which 1D boy is your favorite and who would you love to see perform? Or are they better together (for me, definitely together)? And..

Until next time,

xx.Britani Skye

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